Your Digital Footprint Certificate, a rating that covers all ESG criteria
No improvement without measurement! How to concretize the improvement of your digital footprint and your commitment to the ecological and societal transition? With a Fruggr certificate, you get a proof of the dynamic evolution of your digital footprint and your ESG/RSE strategy.

Fruggr’s certificate rating grid

A - Excellence
A rating between 85 and 100
Exemplary on all measured criteria. The guarantee of a positive global impact

B - Virtuous
A rating between 75 and 85
Overall care given to an advanced eco-design of the digital service but still some optimization possible

C - Aware
A rating between 65 and 75
Considerable optimizations still possible although globally designed with a certain frugality
Evaluation criteria
The criteria are expressed as a score out of 100. The score global is the result combining all the criteria analyzed on 3 dimensions:
Environment, Social, and Sobriety

A complete environmental assessment cannot be reduced to a simple carbon footprint. Therefore, we also include an assessment of water and energy consumption of the entire deployed service
Carbon score
The carbon score evaluates the impact of the service on the emission of greenhouse gases
Water score
The quantity of water consumed over the entire cycle, in particular the terminal manufacturing and service use phases
Energy Score
The energy score assesses the impact of the service on electricity consumption.
A sustainable IT will care as much for the environment as for the human being. fruggr therefore adds to its environmental analysis a social score measuring accessibility, ethics and inclusion
Accessibility Score
The accessibility score calculates the compliance with the international rules of the WCAG
Ethical Score
The ethical score measures the ethical footprint and data protection
Inclusion Score
The inclusion score assesses the compatibility of a digital service on all terminals
The third area covered by Fruggr is Governance (the “G” in ESG). We do measure it manually via three different scores.