Our story: from a crazy idea to a company with a positive impact

The birth of a company with a mission

June 2020. Digital technology is under-represented in the social economy. 
Is digital a naturally non-polluting and inclusive space?

Of course not!

And that's something Frederick, Ronan, Jérôme, Étienne and Stefan, five experts in the field, have realized. Driven by a strong belief in a more sustainable economy, they decided to take action.

"We're going to create an SSE company to support others in their sustainable digital transformation."

And so fruggr was born! From the outset, we registered as a company with a mission. Our ambition: to be a company with a positive impact, and to promote digital technologies that also have a positive impact.

a person dancing with forms in her hands
a man with forms in his hands

Renowned for our strong values

We apply this vision in very practical way. For example, fruggr was created in Rennes, away from Paris. 90% of the French population lives in the regions, so we went where the people are. Right from the start, we set up a horizontal structure. Autonomy is more than encouraged! We believe in collective intelligence, rather than micro-management. 50% of profits are paid back to employees and to social initiatives. The rest is invested in the company to ensure its resilience. No dividends. We are determined, and determination pays off: very quickly, companies including several major accounts have put their trust in us. We've won awards. We've hired talent. A lot of talent: experts in digital, CSR, responsible digital... We've even been approved by the French government as a socially sustainable company. In 2022, thanks to our teams and our continuous improvement approach, we were market leaders in measuring the social and environmental impact of digital technology in France, with some of the most advanced R&D in Europe.

Some key dates


Created by 5 digital expertsA strong vision of a more sustainable digital future
ESUS-accredited mission companyfruggr is a full member of the social economy
Label Impact +Winner of the 'Réseau Entreprendre', the first award in our adventure that heralded many others. Bringing a strong vision of a more sustainable digital world


Remarkable company 2021Awarded by France Initiative 35
fruggr.io launchfruggr has become a SaaS solution and the first impact start-up to measure the global digital footprint.
ADEME chooses fruggrThe French Energy Agency (ADEME) has chosen the fruggr measurement solution to support them in their overall programme to improve their digital footprint
fruggr R&D accreditationThe Images & Réseaux (IR) competitiveness cluster has audited and certified the R&D of our fruggr application for the quality of its algorithms
1st impact reportAs a company with a mission, we place impact at the heart of our business model and communicate transparently about our successes and areas for improvement


3rd in the Carenews impact actor rankingfruggr is one of 50 impact companies selected by Carenews and bnpp, a measure not only of commitments but above all of impact results
Release of the fruggr mobile app for the general publicIts digital impact missions include raising awareness. The fruggr app measures and advises on how to improve smartphone usage. Over 100,000 people reached without any media coverage
Startup d'Orfruggr wins award at sustainable transformation summit
Solution prefered Microsoftfruggr selected by Microsoft to integrate its international digital services marketplace
fruggr multi awardedTop 3 StartmeUp ecommerce award from FEVAD, Top 3 Tech for Good Impact France, NextInnov finalist
GreenTech Innovation certification

Looking ahead

We recently opened offices in Paris. To reach more key accounts and grow. Why ? Because it's the key accounts that are the first to get up to speed, and they're the ones that bring our partners and service providers along with them. Our ambition is not to grow for the sake of growing, but to involve ever more people in our mission: to help companies improve their social and environmental impact.\ \ And because transparency and sharing are also part of our values, we're letting you discover our impact report, which tells you all about our activities and objectives!

Impact Report Digital4Better

Read our impact report

Being a company with impact isn't just about words, it's about actions. And as with digital technology, to improve them you have to measure them. In this report, you'll find an unvarnished assessment of our successes and areas for improvement. Based on ESG criteria, our environmental, social and governance actions.

> Download our report

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