CIO: do you want to continuously improve your digital performance?

Help reduce your carbon footprint, and engage your employees on a key environmental issue for them

fruggr offers you a platform for continuous improvement of your digital performance. It is a reliable measurement on the 3 layers: terminals, networks, servers. It shows you the environmental and social implications of your IS.

Illustration certificate

• 11%* reduction in cloud costs

• Save time and money on your Accessibility and IT Carbon Footprint audits

• 21%* improvement in environmental score after 5 months *on average observed


• The reference SaaS platform for sustainable digital technology, awarded the Green Tech innovation label by the Ministry

• Chosen by ADEME and several other key players such as L'Oréal, Orange, La Poste...

• More than 50 experts at the service of your sustainable performance

3 key points on fruggr:

They trust us

The Dorval AM case: leading a digital sobriety programme

Natixis IM - Dorval Asset Management is one of the leading companies in responsible finance. In line with their values, they decided to measure their digital impact and improve it with a new eco-designed website.

Assessment of the existing site

66 An initial overall measured score of 66 already leading to a C certificate, with an environmental score of only 47/100, a strong source of improvement. Despite its apparent functional and graphic simplicity, the existing platform is far from meeting the eco-design criteria.

Actions and objectives

A Certificate After following a complete eco-friendly design process, Natixis IM - Dorval AM managed to obtain an A certificate and raise their score to 85/100. The implementation of the solution will allow to follow the good evolution and to adopt a continuous improvement approach.

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The time for the static and administrative digital carbon footprint is over, it's time to act and dynamically manage your performance. Doing with less (sufficiency) and better (eco-design and accessibility) is our commitment with

fruggr, Performance by Sustainability

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